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Deteriorated Health Conditions in Yarmouk amid Sporadic Clashes and Strict Siege

Published : 18-04-2015

Deteriorated Health Conditions in Yarmouk amid Sporadic Clashes and Strict Siege

The Yarmouk refugee camp in Damascus suffers from a severe health crisis due to the loss of all medical supplies inside the camp, where the regular army and PFGC groups' checkpoints are still imposing a strict siege on the residents of the camps for 650 days.

Meanwhile, the breaking of ISIS into the camp earlier this month, which was supported by Al Nusra Front that facilitated ISIS entry, deteriorated the humanitarian crisis. Furthermore, there are dozens of injuries did not receive the needed medical care.

It is noteworthy that dozens of relief activists from Yarmouk were forced to leave; fearing for their lives after ISIS groups arrested dozens of residents.

It is noted that ISIS breaking into the camp coincided with explosive barrels heavy shelling that targeted different parts of it, causing massive destruction of buildings in the camp, including "PalestineHospital," the only hospital who was working inside the Yarmouk with its minimum capacity.

On the same context, sporadic clashes between ISIS alongside Al Nusra Front and Aknaf brigades alongside the Youth of the camp are still continue, where ISIS groups and Al Nusra Front controlled approximately 80% of ​​the camp, while Aknaf Controls  10 %, as the Syrian army and the PFGC control (10%).

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The Yarmouk refugee camp in Damascus suffers from a severe health crisis due to the loss of all medical supplies inside the camp, where the regular army and PFGC groups' checkpoints are still imposing a strict siege on the residents of the camps for 650 days.

Meanwhile, the breaking of ISIS into the camp earlier this month, which was supported by Al Nusra Front that facilitated ISIS entry, deteriorated the humanitarian crisis. Furthermore, there are dozens of injuries did not receive the needed medical care.

It is noteworthy that dozens of relief activists from Yarmouk were forced to leave; fearing for their lives after ISIS groups arrested dozens of residents.

It is noted that ISIS breaking into the camp coincided with explosive barrels heavy shelling that targeted different parts of it, causing massive destruction of buildings in the camp, including "PalestineHospital," the only hospital who was working inside the Yarmouk with its minimum capacity.

On the same context, sporadic clashes between ISIS alongside Al Nusra Front and Aknaf brigades alongside the Youth of the camp are still continue, where ISIS groups and Al Nusra Front controlled approximately 80% of ​​the camp, while Aknaf Controls  10 %, as the Syrian army and the PFGC control (10%).

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