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124 Palestinian Residents of AlHusainiya Camp Killed in War-Torn Syria

Published : 12-11-2019

124 Palestinian Residents of AlHusainiya Camp Killed in War-Torn Syria

124 Palestinian refugees taking shelter in AlHusainiya Camp in Rif Dimashq have been pronounced dead in war-torn Syria, according to AGPS database.

The list includes 73 Palestinians who died under shelling, 12 who were tortured to death in Syrian detention centers, 33 who were fatally gunned down, four who were shot by snipers, and three others who were executed.

Over 3,900 Palestinian refugees, including hundreds of women and children, have been pronounced dead in the embattled Syrian territories.

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124 Palestinian refugees taking shelter in AlHusainiya Camp in Rif Dimashq have been pronounced dead in war-torn Syria, according to AGPS database.

The list includes 73 Palestinians who died under shelling, 12 who were tortured to death in Syrian detention centers, 33 who were fatally gunned down, four who were shot by snipers, and three others who were executed.

Over 3,900 Palestinian refugees, including hundreds of women and children, have been pronounced dead in the embattled Syrian territories.

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