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Palestinian Toddler in Lebanon on Verge of Death

Published : 12-11-2019

Palestinian Toddler in Lebanon on Verge of Death

A Palestinian family who was displaced from Yarmouk Camp, in Damascus, to the southern Lebanese city of Sur has appealed to the international humanitarian institutions to take urgent action in order to save their eight-day-old newborn.

The family said their toddler suffers from a hemorrhage caused by a circumcision surgery (the removal of the foreskin from the human penis) he underwent in Sur last Sunday.

The newborn needs a needle that costs $800, a sum that far exceeds the family’s ability to shell it out.

Nearly 28,000 Palestinian refugees from Syria have sought shelter in Lebanon, where they have been subjected to a precarious legal status and dire socio-economic conditions owing to their lack of access to vital services, particularly health care.

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A Palestinian family who was displaced from Yarmouk Camp, in Damascus, to the southern Lebanese city of Sur has appealed to the international humanitarian institutions to take urgent action in order to save their eight-day-old newborn.

The family said their toddler suffers from a hemorrhage caused by a circumcision surgery (the removal of the foreskin from the human penis) he underwent in Sur last Sunday.

The newborn needs a needle that costs $800, a sum that far exceeds the family’s ability to shell it out.

Nearly 28,000 Palestinian refugees from Syria have sought shelter in Lebanon, where they have been subjected to a precarious legal status and dire socio-economic conditions owing to their lack of access to vital services, particularly health care.

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