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A Solidarity Sit-in with Yarmouk off the UN Headquarter in Brussel, Belgium

Published : 19-04-2015

A Solidarity Sit-in with Yarmouk off the UN Headquarter in Brussel, Belgium

Dozens of Palestinians and protestors gathered in solidarity with the Yarmouk refugee camp, yesterday, in front of the EU headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, where protestors expressed their solidarity with their besieged families in the Yarmouk refugee camp, calling all human rights and relief agencies to work in order to end the suffering of the people of Yarmouk.

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Dozens of Palestinians and protestors gathered in solidarity with the Yarmouk refugee camp, yesterday, in front of the EU headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, where protestors expressed their solidarity with their besieged families in the Yarmouk refugee camp, calling all human rights and relief agencies to work in order to end the suffering of the people of Yarmouk.

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