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Vigils Held in Syria’s Palestine Refugee Camps over US Shift on Israeli Settlements

Published : 28-11-2019

Vigils Held in Syria’s Palestine Refugee Camps over US Shift on Israeli Settlements

Dozens of Palestinian refugees sheltered in camps across Syria have joined rallies staged in protest at the announcement made by the US President Donald Trump’s administration that it no longer considers Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories as inconsistent with international law.

The refugees also held the Israeli occupation authorities accountable for the death of Palestinian prisoner Sami Abu Diyak, who lost his battle with cancer in Israeli jails.

Palestinians taking refuge in camps set up in Latakia, Hums, AlRamadan, Khan Dannun, and Khan Eshieh waved Palestinian flags and yelled slogans condemning Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people and the US one-sided position.

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Dozens of Palestinian refugees sheltered in camps across Syria have joined rallies staged in protest at the announcement made by the US President Donald Trump’s administration that it no longer considers Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories as inconsistent with international law.

The refugees also held the Israeli occupation authorities accountable for the death of Palestinian prisoner Sami Abu Diyak, who lost his battle with cancer in Israeli jails.

Palestinians taking refuge in camps set up in Latakia, Hums, AlRamadan, Khan Dannun, and Khan Eshieh waved Palestinian flags and yelled slogans condemning Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people and the US one-sided position.

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