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Palestinian Professor Mahmoud Hamid Launches Ground-Breaking Project in Wood Industry

Published : 29-11-2019

Palestinian Professor Mahmoud Hamid Launches Ground-Breaking Project in Wood Industry

Palestinian professor Mahmoud Ahmad Hamid has initiated an international research project in Sweden that is expected to revolutionize wood industry.

The project aims to develop natural adhesives used in the manufacture of compressed wood, instead of the petroleum glues currently exposed in the market.

Speaking with Radio Sweden, the professor said that the petroleum materials used in the furniture industry might cause cancers and other diseases in case of uncontrolled exposure to heat.

Hamid works at his office in Helsingborg, in southern Sweden, which brings together three institutions to recycle discarded materials and develop eco-friendly products.

Last month, Hamid received an international patent for an alternative bio glue.

He received his Ph.D. in wood technology and industry in 2000 from the University of George August in Göttingen, Germany, and served as a visiting professor at the university, before he arrived in Sweden in 2014.

Hamid was born on March 17, 1967 in Damascus. He was the head of the Department of Environment and Renewable Resources at Damascus University until 2014 and fled to Europe after the outbreak of the Syrian war. He supervised dozens of graduation projects at a number of universities.

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Palestinian professor Mahmoud Ahmad Hamid has initiated an international research project in Sweden that is expected to revolutionize wood industry.

The project aims to develop natural adhesives used in the manufacture of compressed wood, instead of the petroleum glues currently exposed in the market.

Speaking with Radio Sweden, the professor said that the petroleum materials used in the furniture industry might cause cancers and other diseases in case of uncontrolled exposure to heat.

Hamid works at his office in Helsingborg, in southern Sweden, which brings together three institutions to recycle discarded materials and develop eco-friendly products.

Last month, Hamid received an international patent for an alternative bio glue.

He received his Ph.D. in wood technology and industry in 2000 from the University of George August in Göttingen, Germany, and served as a visiting professor at the university, before he arrived in Sweden in 2014.

Hamid was born on March 17, 1967 in Damascus. He was the head of the Department of Environment and Renewable Resources at Damascus University until 2014 and fled to Europe after the outbreak of the Syrian war. He supervised dozens of graduation projects at a number of universities.

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