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Palestinian Boy Becomes Chess Icon in Cyprus

Published : 01-12-2019

Palestinian Boy Becomes Chess Icon in Cyprus

Palestinian child from Syria Mohamed Ayyash has been supervising chess competitions at a sports club in Cyprus’ capital city of Nicosia.

Mohamed is supervising 25 players in the club. He is the youngest chess referee in Cyprus and has obtained high scores at his school in Nicosia.

The boy also provides free translation services for refugees and accompanies them to hospitals and other facilities in Cyprus.

Mohamed fled to Lebanon from Syria’s AlSayeda Zeinab refugee camp, in Rif Dimashq, with his family. However, the family soon sought shelter in Cyprus due to the unrest gripping the Lebanese territories.

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Palestinian child from Syria Mohamed Ayyash has been supervising chess competitions at a sports club in Cyprus’ capital city of Nicosia.

Mohamed is supervising 25 players in the club. He is the youngest chess referee in Cyprus and has obtained high scores at his school in Nicosia.

The boy also provides free translation services for refugees and accompanies them to hospitals and other facilities in Cyprus.

Mohamed fled to Lebanon from Syria’s AlSayeda Zeinab refugee camp, in Rif Dimashq, with his family. However, the family soon sought shelter in Cyprus due to the unrest gripping the Lebanese territories.

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