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Detergents Distributed in Refugee Camps North of Syria

Published : 20-12-2019

Detergents Distributed in Refugee Camps North of Syria

The IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation distributed on Wednesday children detergents to a number of displaced families in Deir Ballout and AlMuhammadiya refugee camps, in Efrin, north of Syria.

Hundreds of Palestinian and Syrian families who have been forcibly deported to northern Syria have been grappling with an abject humanitarian situation as most of them have been taking cover in underequipped tents that risk to fall into pieces in winter season.

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The IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation distributed on Wednesday children detergents to a number of displaced families in Deir Ballout and AlMuhammadiya refugee camps, in Efrin, north of Syria.

Hundreds of Palestinian and Syrian families who have been forcibly deported to northern Syria have been grappling with an abject humanitarian situation as most of them have been taking cover in underequipped tents that risk to fall into pieces in winter season.

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