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Clashes and bombing at the Yarmouk camp and more than 20,000 besieged people are deprived of basic services.

Published : 24-12-2014

Clashes and bombing at the Yarmouk camp and more than 20,000 besieged people are deprived of basic services.

Sporadic bombing targeted different places of the Yarmouk camp, coincided with violent clashes between the armed groups affiliated to the Syrian opposition and the regular army alongside with the PFGC, as the regular army tries to broke into the camp.

Meanwhile, the residents, who are estimated with 20,000 civilians, are still suffering of a severe shortage in medical services due to the strict siege imposed on the camp, in addition to the bombing that targeted the main hospitals of the camp which resulted in severe material damages and led to the stop of those hospitals. Therefore, only Palestine hospital is working in the camp with its minimum capacity due to the medicine and medical cadre shortage because of the siege, in addition to the blackout and unavailability of fuel needed to operate the generators.

In addition to the spread of diseases related to the malnutrition such as Anemia, or kidney diseases related to lack of water, or skin diseases, it is referred that 157  refugees in the camp died as a result of the siege imposed on them because of malnutrition and medical care shortage.

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Sporadic bombing targeted different places of the Yarmouk camp, coincided with violent clashes between the armed groups affiliated to the Syrian opposition and the regular army alongside with the PFGC, as the regular army tries to broke into the camp.

Meanwhile, the residents, who are estimated with 20,000 civilians, are still suffering of a severe shortage in medical services due to the strict siege imposed on the camp, in addition to the bombing that targeted the main hospitals of the camp which resulted in severe material damages and led to the stop of those hospitals. Therefore, only Palestine hospital is working in the camp with its minimum capacity due to the medicine and medical cadre shortage because of the siege, in addition to the blackout and unavailability of fuel needed to operate the generators.

In addition to the spread of diseases related to the malnutrition such as Anemia, or kidney diseases related to lack of water, or skin diseases, it is referred that 157  refugees in the camp died as a result of the siege imposed on them because of malnutrition and medical care shortage.

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