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A Solidarity Vigil with Yarmouk at Ein Al Hilwa Camp

Published : 22-04-2015

A Solidarity Vigil with Yarmouk at Ein Al Hilwa Camp

Nashit Cultural and Social Association and Shoala youth activist team organized a solidarity vigilat Ein Al-Hilweh refugee camp in Sidon southern of Lebanon under the title «Yarmouk Cry» in order to show solidarity with the people of Yarmouk camp, in the presence of Palestinian forces representatives and a crowd of displaced Palestinians of Syria  in Lebanon.

 They demanded saving the Yarmouk camp,neutralizing it from the ongoing conflict in Syria, expelling ISIS out of the camp,  and returning the residents.  It is worth mentioning that the number of Palestinians of Syria who fled to Lebanon after the war in Syria, has exceeded "51" thousand refugees, according to previous statistics by UNRWA.

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Nashit Cultural and Social Association and Shoala youth activist team organized a solidarity vigilat Ein Al-Hilweh refugee camp in Sidon southern of Lebanon under the title «Yarmouk Cry» in order to show solidarity with the people of Yarmouk camp, in the presence of Palestinian forces representatives and a crowd of displaced Palestinians of Syria  in Lebanon.

 They demanded saving the Yarmouk camp,neutralizing it from the ongoing conflict in Syria, expelling ISIS out of the camp,  and returning the residents.  It is worth mentioning that the number of Palestinians of Syria who fled to Lebanon after the war in Syria, has exceeded "51" thousand refugees, according to previous statistics by UNRWA.

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