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The PRCS Volunteers Sit-in to Demand the Entry of Urgent Medical Aid to the Yarmouk Camp

Published : 22-04-2015

The PRCS Volunteers Sit-in to Demand the Entry of Urgent Medical Aid to the Yarmouk Camp

The rest of the PRCS Volunteers in Palestine Hospital in Yamouk implemented a sit-in calling for the introduction of emergency medical assistance to the Yarmouk because of the deterioration of the medical situation inside the camp, where first aid is not available for the rest of its residents.

It is noteworthy that most of the relief organizations within the Yarmouk refugee camp stopped working for fear of its volunteers to be targeted by ISIS.

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The rest of the PRCS Volunteers in Palestine Hospital in Yamouk implemented a sit-in calling for the introduction of emergency medical assistance to the Yarmouk because of the deterioration of the medical situation inside the camp, where first aid is not available for the rest of its residents.

It is noteworthy that most of the relief organizations within the Yarmouk refugee camp stopped working for fear of its volunteers to be targeted by ISIS.

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