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During a closed Video conference Pierre Krenpol warned the UN Security Council about the serious situation in Yarmouk camp.

Published : 22-04-2015

During a closed Video conference Pierre Krenpol warned the UN Security Council about the serious situation in Yarmouk camp.

During a closed Video conference from Jerusalem and Damascus, respectively, Pierre Krenpol, General Commissionerof UNRWA in the Near East, and RamziIzz al-Din, Secretary-General Deputy of the United Nations in Syria, warned members of the UN Security Council from the serious repercussions of the continuing current situation within the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp.

Krenpol said that he briefed the members of the Security Council on the situation inside the Yarmouk refugee camp, and his fears about the safety of civilians. He added that he intends to establish distribution points to allow humanitarian aid access to refugees, pointing to the UNRWA's need for $ 30 million for emergency aid, as well as $ 400 million estimated value of the needed money to help Syria, yet, only 19 million $ has received.

The two UN officials said that the situation of more than 18 thousand Palestinians inside the camp are risky, especially in light of ongoing battles between the armed groups, and the control of ISIS and Al Nusra Front o the camp, in time which Syrian regime forces imposing strict siege outside the camp.

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During a closed Video conference from Jerusalem and Damascus, respectively, Pierre Krenpol, General Commissionerof UNRWA in the Near East, and RamziIzz al-Din, Secretary-General Deputy of the United Nations in Syria, warned members of the UN Security Council from the serious repercussions of the continuing current situation within the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp.

Krenpol said that he briefed the members of the Security Council on the situation inside the Yarmouk refugee camp, and his fears about the safety of civilians. He added that he intends to establish distribution points to allow humanitarian aid access to refugees, pointing to the UNRWA's need for $ 30 million for emergency aid, as well as $ 400 million estimated value of the needed money to help Syria, yet, only 19 million $ has received.

The two UN officials said that the situation of more than 18 thousand Palestinians inside the camp are risky, especially in light of ongoing battles between the armed groups, and the control of ISIS and Al Nusra Front o the camp, in time which Syrian regime forces imposing strict siege outside the camp.

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