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• Palestinian Refugee "Muntasir Owais" Dies Due to Torture in the Prisons of the Syrian Regime

Published : 24-04-2015

•	Palestinian Refugee "Muntasir Owais" Dies Due to Torture in the Prisons of the Syrian Regime

The Palestinian refugee Montaser Ewees from the Yarmouk camp died due to torture in the Syrian Security prisons after being deatined for more than two years, as the Syrian Security delivered his ID to his relatives. The death of Ewees raises the torture victims' toll, which was documented by the AGPS, to 382 victims.

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The Palestinian refugee Montaser Ewees from the Yarmouk camp died due to torture in the Syrian Security prisons after being deatined for more than two years, as the Syrian Security delivered his ID to his relatives. The death of Ewees raises the torture victims' toll, which was documented by the AGPS, to 382 victims.

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